Saturday, February 24, 2007

Overnight change


Whew, was that a long night or what! Yeah yeah, there aren't that many posters and imagery, but for me, whoa thats alot! The whole thing started to play out after I started chopping up my Shirow Masamune calendars from 2005 and 2006. His work is awesome!

Well, that was fun except the rest of my rooms kinda empty now...


Sorimachi Takashi ROCKS!!!


Theres been a publication of a crazy magazine/book (aka "mook") in Japan discriminating foreigners and non-japanese residents, linking them to so called 'crimes'. Interesting stuff to come out. Its called "Gaijin Hanzai Ura Fairu" or Foreigner Underground Crime File.

Wish I could read japanese so I can order myself a copy. I first read this at Heisei Democracy (I'll put in the link soon) and when I looked at the back cover, I was kinda surprised. A little known country called Sri Lanka was included. Guess whose Sri Lankan?

After a few seconds that fact didn't really sound shocking, as I kinda know what people really are capable of, unfortunately, but I won't go too much into that part of this story. But, nonetheless this mook seems to be a total load of crap.

In my opinion, theres alot of uneasiness and insecurity that comes with having foreigners in one's own country, town, area etc. bla blah. Alot of consideration should be taken into account before acting towards this sort of dicriminatory publication, especially if one is a foreigner.

Its an interesting situation to come out of Japan, so have a search on it. Belows' a link to someone I really don' know does what O_o, but its about boycotting Family Mart (a 7/11 type store-chain in Japan. Man, they were a god-send when it came to eating cheap!).

Boycott Link

Oh, oh this is a better link to read. More detailed account ^^ Click Here!

NOVA Arrests

Kinda glad I didn't visit Roppongi during that time, though I wanted to check out the crazy humongus spider sculpture.

Click Here for the news report

Friday, February 23, 2007

2 Meter EVA 01

Found this on the Anime News Network about a 2 meter tall Evangelion model for sale, at around 1 million yen. Very cool

While checking the pictures at the second link above I noticed all the new Evangelion mechandise. Thats actually a very nice Kotobukiya show, which I didn't notice until my 4th or 5th evening in Akihabara. It was right in front of one of the train station exits. It was exciting to be inside 'the' Kotobukiya shop, but you could definitely find their stuff at a better price elsewhere in Akiba.

Man if I didn't spend so much money last year, I'd be getting ready to get me some of those figures, especially this one:

*hehe I can't seem to find it now... let me upload it later... actually I don't know where it is, so I think this clip will do the trick*

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Ninja Scroll 2 !?!

I can't really believe this. A few months ago showed Ninja Scroll as having a sequel, but not the TV series. There was another link shown as Juubee Ninpuuchou 2. This link was later removed.

I didn't find anything on the net after a little browsing, but look what I've found. I just watched the trailer for the new Highlander anime movie, Highlander: Vengence and under the website's cast & crew section with director Yoshiaki Kawajiri's portfolio states... *takes a deep breath*... Ninja Scroll 2 - 2005, in production!!!!

YES!!!... but I hope they don't screw it up by putting in a studip story arc and bringing in ridiculous characters :(

*and exhales*...

Agent Aika Prequel

For those who are familiar with the very short-skirted and heavily female dominated anime 'Agent Aika', you might be interested to know that the series prequel is just around the corner. I'm watching the original series at the moment and its a rather entertaining 90's anime. I recommend it for those of you who like alot of fan-service and a story to go with it. Artworks pretty good too!

Here are the links from AIka and AIKa R-16: Virgin Mission (Prequel)

Screen-shots for the original here

What Happens When Gundams Get Lost in EVA Land?

They get small jobs in the local area, since they can't really compete with the Evangelion Units. The picture below was taken at the local school. The Gundam unit refused to comment...


This here is a new bog site which hopes to have many a things relating to anime, manga, Japan and crazy annecdots that take place in my little life, which in my world is, Huge! So, heres hoping that this is the start of something good.

Dozou Yoroshiku!!!

どぞう よろしく!!!